Administration of Medication
Home with a Heart Daycare will administer both prescription and non-prescription drugs to children in accordance with provincial legislation. Parents are expected to provide the following:
Prescription Medication
Signed authorization on the admin of medication record including the dosage and times a prescription drug is to be administered.
Medication in the original container clearly labelled with the child’s name, name of the drug, the dosage, the date of purchase and instructions for storage and administration.
Parents must fill out, sign and date the medication authorization forms each time medication is given.
All medications must be given to daycare staff and NOT left in back packs or cubbies.
The centre is not permitted to diagnose a fever or any illness requiring acetaminophen. Parents of children attending government licensed centres are not permitted to request childcare centre staff to administer medication in advance of an actual illness i.e: the child is teething and may or may not require acetaminophen to manage pain after being left at the centre.
If, during the course of the day, the staff notice the child is not feeling well and may have excess discomfort, parents will receive a call advising them of the situation and what course of action they would like the staff to take. If the child develops a fever while at daycare, parents will be notified and asked to give verbal permission to allow the staff to give their child acetaminophen. Forms will be filled out and signed by both parent and staff.
If the fever is 38.5 C or greater, permission will be asked to administer acetaminophen and the parent will have 1 hour to come and pick up their child.
Sun Protection
We ask that each family provide a bottle of sunscreen for each child they have attending the center. If your child has allergies and requires a special sunscreen, we ask that the parents notify the staff and clearly label their child’s name on the bottle.